Sunday, November 2, 2008


This week in observing my microaquarium i noticed a lot more activity and movement since Dr. McFarland added food. It seemed that due to the addition of the food many of the organisms reproduced. One of the first things that i noticed was that there were analids everywhere. I saw these long, narrow bodied organisms moving around everywhere. It almost seemed like they were bullies to other organisms due to their size. Next, I observed the very boring paramisium. These organisms just seemed to be floating around and lost. I soon gained interest in observing a snail. This snail seemed to take up my whole visual when i was under the microscope. It looked to big. The snail was crawling along and even almost escaped my microaquarium at the top. The snail had two eyeballs with two larger tenticle looking things. However after this snail i saw a couple of baby cyclops'. It seemed like they were moving a hundred miles an hour. I could only keep with with them to get a visual a couple of times. They looked like a crab and a spider combined. Some of these organisms even carried eggs on them. I found rotifers again like i did last week. The only real difference that I noticed about them was there were so many of them now. They continued to move around sifting the water. Also, i found some of the turbellaria that i viewed last week. I observed them moving around and eating. All around i noticed single celled algae everywhere. Also around my microaquarium I observed blue-green algae, cyanobacteria. I referenced these cyanobacteria, using The Algae A Preview, to be lyngbya. These lyngbya's had sheaths with no gaps.

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