Sunday, November 9, 2008


During this week's observation I noticed different organisms but there was less activity. Last week was chaos compared to the calmness this week. I first noticed much bigger algae. This algae started as single-celled but now has grown. An organism that i hadn't seen before was a difflugia. I used the World's Visual Guide chart on the wall to identify this organism. This difflugia looked like a round, brown circular mass with a number of tenticle looking things. It was moving around pretty slow and seemed to be propeled by little feet under his body. Next, I viewed a lacrymaria. I referenced this organism in the book Free Living Fresh Water Protozoa. It had a teardrop type body with a long neck that would stretch in and out. This week i was able to view the cyclops much better, because it stayed still for a period of time. It appears to be very distinct with two horn looking things sticking out on either side of its head. On the other side of its body are two sharp points that seem to make a tail. I viewed a different type of cyclops next. This was a Juvenile Cyclops, or Nauplius Cyclops. I referenced the book Fresh-Water Biology. This baby cyclops is much different looking than the other adult cyclops. It reminds me of a spider type body with spikey legs sticking out. It has two larger ones on its upper half and two smaller ones below these. This cyclops was moving extremely fast and was hard to keep up with it. I still saw many of the old organisms that I had previously seen, but their number count seemed to have dropped.

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